Big News! Under “Stay at Home”, “Quarantine” order or rule? No worries you can now do our famous SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapist training at home!
Now you can gain professional certification in SomaVeda® Thai Yoga in the privacy of your own home!

If your a health care worker, Massage Therapist (“Thai Massage”) or other who is currently not able to work, now is the time to change gears and invest in a new future! If you are already interested in the Comprehensive Medical approach that Ayurveda offers then there have never been a better or more appropriate time to learn. More than mere education.. we can offer you a legal basis to work and practice even while under “Stay at Home” or “Quarantine” rules in your area. Our Ministry Counseling” model is legal in all 50 states and US territories even under “Corona”! Don’t let the current situation fill you with fear. Learn concrete strategies to keep your boat afloat and prepare for the future. This is the beginner or entry level training, however, we also offer in our SCNM College, degree programs through Doctorate level. Of course, we are still offering our great SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Retreats LIVE and in-person (The Best!). There really is no substitute for a live program. The current Corona Based health crises will pass and classes are scheduled from July 2020 forward. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS ON OUR LIVE Thai Yoga PROGRAMS
However, if you can not get to a live certification program and want or need professional certification and or legal authorization to practice, then the LearnThaiYoga Professional Practitioner On-Line Home Study/ Distance Learning is the very best option for you at this time! SomaVeda® is NOT defined as “Massage” or “Massage Therapy”, in fact if your under legal order to cease practicing as a Massage professional, we can assit you in making the adjustment to “Holistic” counselor and SomaVeda® Authorized Practitioner, Minister or Therapist. Let me show you how in person. Please don’t delay call or contact me today if you have any questions on how to make the adjustment, the transition to a new way to practice therapy and healing appropriate for the current health crises.
Our program is internationally recognized! CLICK HERE!

Be well, Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James
Contact Dr. James for more information. CLICK HERE!