Thai Yoga at World Congress on Natural Medicines
Press Release:
On January 29, 30, 31st, 2016 Students and Faculty of the SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and the Thai Yoga Center of Brooksville Florida participated in the Third Annual World Congress on Natural Medicine and Tampa Physician’s Round Table at the Tampa Convention Center in downtown Tampa.
Thai Yoga at World Congress Natural Medicines was co-sponsored by the Sacred Medical Order of the Church of Hope (SMOCH), an international ecumenical monastic medical order and the Tampa Physicians Round Table.
Saturday the 30th. Dr. Anthony B. James, Director of Education and founder of SCNM: Thai Yoga Center gave a presentation on integration for Traditional Thai Massage, Thai Yoga, Thai Yoga Therapy, Classical Ayurveda as a practical palliative therapy in Cancer treatment to the more than one hundred physicians from over 20 countries in attendance.

The title of the Monograph and Power point presented was “Indigenous, Traditional Medicinal Therapies as Cancer Complication Remediation and Palliative Support for Cachexia”.
The focus of Thai Yoga at The World Congress Natural Medicines was whether Indigenous and traditional, native medicine practices (Thai Yoga Therapy/ Ayurveda) and or evolving therapies derived from indigenous culture traditions make a positive contribution towards Cancer complication remediation and palliative care. Dr. James cited international standards which Traditional Thai Massage and Thai Yoga Therapy clearly meet in respect to the practice guidelines on palliative therapies, procedures and positive outcomes. The scientific research support the clinical efficacy of Traditional Thai Massage (TTM) and Traditional Thai Physical Therapy (TTPT) also known as “Thai Yoga Therapy” in treating Cancer, Cancer symptoms, Cancer Palliation therapies for Cachexia and Pain are substantial. Over 40 published scientific clinical trials, research projects as well as anecdotal and traditional indications were cited in support.
Participants from over 20 countries presented on various topics relating to Cancer, Palliative Care, evolving strategies for prevention and treatment as well as the role of spirit and counseling in healing.
For resources on how to learn SomaVeda® Thai Yoga visit ThaiYogaCenter.Com