Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Repetitive Stress Injury, The SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Solution
Part 2 of 2. by Anthony B. James DNM(C), ND, MD(AM), DOM(C), DPHC(h.c.), PhD, RAC, SMOKH
INNER: Any particular disorder or trauma whether acute or chronic like CTS will manifest differently in different persons. When looking for the INNER significance we first consider the balance and activity of the Chakras. We gain insight into the specific chakras involved by observing the physical correlations, i.e., corresponding body part, orifice, closest Sen, or line, and/or meridian.

The chakras most closely associated with the hands and wrist are fourth Chakra, ANAHATA , commonly called the Heart Chakra. The hands are the vehicle for expressing and communicating from and of the heart. We say that the skin of the hands and arms is the organ most closely associated with the heart.