Prof. Anthony B. James Prof. Anthony B. James MSc.(Clinical Herbology), DNM(C), Idaho Registered ND(T), MD(AM), DOM(Acu), DPHC(h.c.), Ph.D. (IM), Ph.D. (Hospitaller Medicine h.c.), DMM, RAAP, UTTS, MSGR./CHEV., Ordained Native Monsignor, Native Bishop, Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church of the East in Brazil,
Dean, Professor, Director of Education and Traditional Medicine
Native American Indigenous Church, INC (NAIC)
For more detailed info on Dr. Anthony B James, Click Here!
Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B James receives Lifetime Membership Recognition with Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society #520121896 (Ministry of Public Health, Thailand from President Aram Amaradit, December 2009)
Dr. Anthony B. James received Aacharn recognition, on Dec. 1, 2006, at Wiangklaikangwan Industrial College, Hua Hin, Thailand.
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