Tag Archives: Yamas

Thai Yoga Yamas

#1 Thai Yoga Yamas

Thai Yoga Eight Fold Path

By Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T), MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.), DOM, RAC, SMOKH Academic Dean SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center (SCNM).

Yamas are good way of life but from an internal expression. Not expressing negativity and thinking good thoughts or generating boddhicitta. We have two parts here: thinking good thoughts and generating boddhicitta and not expressing negativity on the other hand. The concept of yamas is to question: how do I intentionally craft a thought life that will generate a good way of life in the external? How do I do it internally? Think good thoughts. In order to think a good thought and not express a negative one, you have to know the difference between them. As far as thinking good thoughts we have to have ideas of what is a good thought. Continue reading Thai Yoga Yamas