Tag Archives: Bringing Health Care to Elderly

Thailand uses Traditional Thai Medicine Bringing Health Care to Elderly

Thailand uses Traditional Thai Medicine Bringing Health Care to Elderly

Wat Po Sen

Unlike many other countries, USA included Thailand values the contribution of the Indigenous Traditional Medicine (Thai Ayurveda/ Thai Yoga etc.) and has committed to ensuring the welfare of it’s aging population by utilizing it a health care resource. This is a big deal for any country to not only recognize it’s indigenous medicine heritage but to then incorporate it’s practice institutionally. No surprise for Thailand however, as the Thai government has been supporting traditional medicine for many years now.

Traditional Thai Medicine experts with various specialties from Yoga Therapy to Herbology work in teams alongside family physician, dentist, nurses, dental nurses, a pharmacist, a public health officer, a physiotherapist and a care-giver, and local residents working as a healthcare volunteers.

Read More: Meeting Age Head-on

Original Article: Courtesy Bangkok Post: ©Post Publishing PCL. All Rights reserved.