Thai Yoga Therapy Role in Cancer Palliative Care Part 2

Thai Yoga Therapy Role in Cancer Palliation

By Anthony B. James DNM(P), ND(T), MD(AM), DPHC(h.c.), DOM, RAAP, SMOKH Academic Dean SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and Thai Yoga Center (SCNM).

Traditional/ Classical Thai Yoga/ Thai Massage contains the following areas of emphasis and therapeutic modalities:

1) Sophisticated and refined Manual/ Physio/ Body-centric Hands-on interventions:

Thai Yoga Therapy incorporates elements of energetic (unseen energy: magnetic, electric, sonic etc.) and prana assessment, mindfulness, gentle rocking, asana (positional/ postural), structural release, deep stretching, focused deep breathing or prana yama, chakra balancing (Pyscho-emotional, Somatic and proprioceptive emphasis), Prana Nadi or Sen line balancing (Lines of stress, trans-subcutaneous muscle channels, fascia and connective tissue planes and or lymphatic pathways) and rhythmic compression with either broad, deep, non specific tools such as palm, foot, elbow and knee to emphasize with either specific point ( area of high neurologic potential) or broad trans- subcutaneous muscular or fascial plane to create a singular healing experience.

Osteo and or Skeletal emphasis including “Bending the bones” stimulates the production of osteoblasts as stress to the bones stimulates bone densification and production of marrow factors such as stem cells and lymphocyte production. Application acts as a sophisticated complex decongestive therapy, as manual lymph drainage reduces both stagnant lymph/ interstitial circulation. It is both stimulating to key beneficial bio-chemical processes and deeply relaxing and nurturing at the same time.

Thai Yoga is a passive, assisted and or co-facilitated, slow or non-ballistic therapy it is non-invasive and appropriate for patients at all levels of care including palliative hospice and end of life strategy as well as non medical treatment for pain. Over 1000 distinctive techniques have been refined in common use over centuries of practice.

Thai Yoga also emphasizes the development of a personal mild Yoga posture routine (personal exercise) for wellbeing maintenance. This type of low impact, non- ballistic exercise meets all criteria for physical training. It is especially a safe practice for patients as it is self-paced and once learned can be practiced without supervision.

2) Nutritional and or Dietary strategies based on Classical Indo-Tibetan- Burmese Ayurveda (Thai Ayurveda) and local or indigenous nutrition emphasize whole, fresh foods, unadulterated (No Chemical, processed, GMO), varietal, seasonal and local. Nutritional emphasis includes hydration therapy, eating and meal planning, natural supplementation with herbs, minerals, salts, oils and fats. Foods, herbs and traditional medicines recommended or commonly used emphasize anti-inflammatory, anti-tumetic, and alkaline or anti-acid qualities. These not only include varietal and wholesome fresh vegetables but nuts, seeds, herbs and fresh fish high in all essential nutrients including trace minerals and EFA’s.

3) Psychological/ Mental and Emotional support with a nurturing, counseling model. Strategies include addressing old unresolved negative emotional issues (NEMO’s/ Karma) with practical positive initiatives and activities (Metta or making Merit). Counseling strategies are varied from the use of prayers and singing to recitation of positive and affirming statements with meditation (Neuro/ emotional and or neuro-physical integration strategies). Although in traditional terms would be called by different names.

4) Spiritual Counseling: Origins date back to eleventh century and earlier in Hindu and especially Buddhist teachings stressing individual responsibility and capability of the individual to control their thoughts and inner life. Specific approaches vary according to specific individual beliefs and needs. However, the cultivation of self awareness, self realization, mindfulness and the Four Divine qualities (Four boundless/ unlimited states of mind) expressed as Promiiwihan Sii (Thai Lang.) of Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity (Balanced Mind) are considered paramount to the healing process of any debilitating or chronic disease including all Cancers. Emphasis on cultivation of high functioning and functional relationship dynamics, inter-family and inter-community leads to enhanced sense of self worth and reduction in Depressive symptoms. In Cancer therapy, an exemplary indication of progress is the resolution or decrease of depression/ anorexia.

Continued in Part 3

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All Information about Thai Traditional Medicine, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga/ Thai Massage relief for Osteoarthritis Knee Pain is presented solely as an opinion for educational purposes and is provided as an opinion for educational purposes only and not intended to be used for any therapeutic purpose, neither is it intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. It is not intended as a substitute for competent medical advise regarding any medical condition. Please consult a health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. While all attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this information. The author and ThaiMassage.Com does not accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions.

Copyright© 2015, Anthony B. James,  All rights reserved under International and Pan American copyright conventions. World rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Inquires should be addressed to: Anthony B. James, 5401 Saving Grace Ln. Brooksville, FL 34602 ·  http://www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com

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